Weekly Tai Chi classes include qigong, sessions during term times with Zabeth in Yeovil, Somerset:
Tai Chi afternoon classes for beginners & improvers
Tuesday from 1.30 pm to 2.30 pm in the hall at Yeovil Recreation Centre, off Chilton Grove, Yeovil, BA21 4AW.
Tai chi evening classes for beginners, improvers & advanced
Tuesday from 6.15 pm to 7.45 pm at St Mary’s Hall, Holy Trinity Community Centre in Lysander road, Yeovil BA20 2BU.
With the range of levels in this class, it is split in the tai chi section between 2 teachers, Zabeth & Anne.
What is covered in classes:
TAI CHI – beginners & Intermediates tai chi sessions starts with warm up exercises which are frequently qigong exercises, followed by qigong for the first half an hour. Qigong covered: Daoyin Qigong, Chinese Health Qigong, Shibashi, Winter Brocade, Yin & Yang Brocade, tai chi movements practised in a qigong way & much more.
Then tai chi pracrice such as the short 4 tai chi moves for new beginners, Mrs Men Bao’s (the founder of our club) 10 Yang Style tai chi forms for beginners, then learning the Chinese 10 and Standard 24 Yang Style tai chi forms for improvers.
The Advance last section of the evening sessions will cover more advance tai chi forms such as the compact 24, 16, 32, 40, 88 Yang style tai chi forms, 18 & 32 sword Yang style, and also sabre Wu style, double fan & kung-fu fan 1.
Terms are 12 weeks and sessions run during Somerset school terms times, taking breaks at half-terms and holidays. All tai chi classes cost £6 per session payable by term.