
Bao's Lung Fei Tai Chi Logo

Zabeth Reid
for classes in Yeovil
& for events & workshops, etc.
Mobile: 07747 616166
[email protected]

Zabeth also organises tai chi & qigong workshops & events, inviting teachers to come and share their knowledge and expertise, open to all interested tai chi & qigong enthusiasts, some travelling from around the whole South West to partake in them (info on ‘Events’ page).

One events that attracts many people to come and participate in, is the “Chinese New Year” celebration which happens each year around January/February time from which all the proceeds go to charity each year. The event includes teachers from other clubs coming to run mini-workshops to participate in, promoting their style of teaching and knowledge.

Zabeth can be booked for introductory taster sessions in Tai Chi, Qigong or Shibashi at WI meetings, residential homes, hospital, health & well-being groups, as well as in local schools. Sessions can include demonstrations of tai chi forms with fans, and straight or broad sword (the swords brought in are not real and completely harmless). School sessions are adapted to suit children and can include demonstrations of tai chi.