
Bao's Lung Fei Tai Chi Logo


displayed in order of dates of them happening, for more info and booking contact Zabeth:


Saturday 15 June 2024

Qigong Workshops

organised by Bao’s Lung Fei Tai Chi


founder of ‘Bao’s Lung Fei Tai Chi’ club

at theDavis Hall’, Howell Hill, West Camel, near Yeovil, BA22 7QX

1.15 PM – 3.45 PM (doors open 1pm)

Half-day workshop: £18

Mrs Men Bao will introduce us to “Babu Jin Gang Gong” – Eight part Diamond Kung Fu” & “Longevity Gong” as practised by Zhang Zhishun, a high Taoist who lived for decades in seclusion in the Zhongnan Mountains.

Zhang Zhishun lived up to the age of 104 years practicing daily a whole series of qigong exercises which included the two sets we will be introduced to.


Saturday 14th September 2024 at 10 am

World Health Qigong Day’ is an annual World event that takes place on the second Saturday of September each year at 10 am.

World Health Qigong Day’ has been happening since 2017 when groups in countries around the World go outdoors in their time zone and invite anyone to join them to take part in practising ‘Chinese Health Qigong’ for FREE.

This event has been created by the International Health Qigong Federation (IHQF).

We will be practising just below the car park under the trees between the playground and mini-golf in the grounds of Yeovil Recreation Centre, off Chilton Grove, Yeovil, Somerset, BA21 4AW.


Saturday 28 September 2024

Qigong Workshop

organised by ‘Bao’s Lung Fei Tai Chi’

Half-day workshop from 10.00 am to 12.30 pm (Doors open 9.45 am):

Dao Yin Yang Sheng Gong

Taiji and Qigong warm-Ups

created by Professor Hu Xiaofei & Zhuang Yongchang

Workshop with Master Simon Watson

from the

Longfei Taijiquan Association of Great Britain

at theDavis Hall’, Howell Hill, West Camel,

near Yeovil, Somerset, BA22 7QX

Inscription by Professor Zhang Guangde in the book for these exercises is: “A warm up exercises for health preservation. It stimulates blood and Qi and frees up meridians. Easy to learn and practice, the key is perseverance. It keeps you in good health for many generations”.

*Simon Watson is a disciple of the famous Professor Zhang Guangde, he holds a 6th Duan from Beijing University and is the President of the English Daoyin Yang Sheng Gong Federation.

Taiji and Qigong warm-Ups Workshop: £25

& with “16 Yang Style Tai Chi forms” in the afternoon workshop

£45 for both workshops


Saturday 28 September 2024

Tai Chi Workshop

organised by ‘Bao’s Lung Fei Tai Chi’

Half-day workshop from 1.30 pm to 4 pm:

“16 Yang Style Tai Chi Forms”

Workshop with Master Simon Watson

from the

Longfei Taijiquan Association of Great Britain

at theDavis Hall’, Howell Hill, West Camel,

near Yeovil, Somerset, BA22 7QX

16 Tai Chi forms“ – Yang Style 10 (also know as 8) and 16 Yang Style Tai Chi Forms are relatively new forms developed in 1999 and 2000 for grading purposes. Between the 10, 16 and 24 forms most of the moves are learnt in both directions. The 16 movements are used in the 24 Form, but some of the moves are practised on opposite side. So this sequence allows you to become familiar practising moves in opposite directions and side.

*Simon Watson is the only non-Chinese disciple from only 3 disciples of the renowned Professor Li Deyin. And Professor Li Deyin is the nephew of the famous Master Li Tianji (nicked named ‘Longfei’ from which both our clubs hold their names from).

“16 yang style Tai Chi Forms” Workshop: £25

& with Taiji and Qigong warm-Ups morning workshop

£45 for both workshops


Sunday 29 September 2024

Tai Chi Workshop

organised by ‘Bao’s Lung Fei Tai Chi’

Day workshop from 9 am to 2.45 pm:

(an hour earlier time than usual due to hall being already booked from 3 pm)

32 Tai Chi Forms”

Workshop with Master Simon Watson

from the

Longfei Taijiquan Association of Great Britain

at theDavis Hall’, Howell Hill, West Camel,

near Yeovil, Somerset, BA22 7QX

32 Tai Chi forms“a combination of styles, mostly Yang but with elements of Chen, Sun & Wu styles. *Not the 32 sword set of forms, but a great prelude to learning the Official ‘42 International Competition Tai Chi forms’.

*Simon Watson is the only non-Chinese disciple from only 3 disciples of the renowned Professor Li Deyin. And Professor Li Deyin is the nephew of the famous Master Li Tianji (nicked named ‘Longfei’ from which both our clubs hold their names from).

32 Tai Chi Forms” Workshop: £45

& with including both workshops the day before: £85


Saturday 19 October 2024

Tai Chi & Qigong Workshop

with Angus Clark, from the School of ‘Living Movement’ in Devon

Venue: the Long Sutton Village Hall, Martock road, Long Sutton, Somerset TA10 9NT.(Please note this is not our usual hired hall, as it was already fully booked).

Day workshop:

An exciting day getting to know the Five Living Movement Principles of Freeing, Aligning, Focussing, Sensing and Being, that lie at the heart of any tai chi and qigong practice and that will enhance any style.

The workshop will be based on an introduction to ‘informal’ movement as well as the 5 moves set of Angus’s Tai Chi Essence and the Mountain Top Qigong.

From 10 am to 4 pm

Cost: £45 for the day

*Tea & coffee available, please bring your own packed lunch.


Saturday 16 November 2024


A YANG-STYLE SEQUENCE CREATED & TAUGHT BY MRS MEN X. BAO, founder of ‘Bao’s Lung Fei Tai Chi’ club

at theDavis Hall’, Howell Hill, West Camel, near Yeovil, BA22 7QX

1.15 PM – 3.45 PM (doors open 1pm)

Half-day workshop: £25

Mrs Bao is the founder of ‘Bao’s Lung Fei Tai Chi’ (BLFTC). In 1992 Mrs Bao created her 10 tai chi form sequence for her students; seven year later in 1999, China created a 10 tai chi forms sequence too (also known as the 8 forms, as the first and last moves are not always counted). Mrs Bao realised the need in the West for a shorter set of forms for beginners, as up until then the shortest form was the famous 24 tai chi forms, created in 1956 by Master Li Tianji, nicknamed ‘Longfei’ from whom our tai chi club gets its name. Mrs Bao learnt tai chi from Master Li Tianji in China.


Sunday 2nd February 2025, from 1 pm till 4.30 pm

Chinese New Year Celebration

Organised by Bao’s Lung Fei Tai Chi (BLFTC)

at theDavis Hall’, Howell Hill, West Camel,

near Yeovil, Somerset, BA22 7QX

Entrance: only £7 (cash on the door) for 3 hours of tai chi & qigong!

All proceeds, going to charity including Entrance Fee, Raffle, Silent Auction & Refreshments.

This year’s 2025 chosen charity is still to be chosen before event

Our club is celebrating the Chinese New Year with demonstrations & participation in tai chi & qigong, & mini-workshops.

*Visiting guests teachers will include Mrs Men X. Bao, Simon Watson, Angus Clark, Yoko Yaghmaie & Jane Robinson


Saturday 26 April 2025 at 10 am

World Tai Chi & Qigong Day’ is an annual world event that starts in New Zealand and works round the different time zones to finish in Hawaii. This event takes place on the last Saturday of April each year between 10 am and 11 am.

‘World Tai Chi & Qigong Day’ has been happening all over the World in 80 different countries since 1999, when tai chi and qigong groups everywhere go outdoors in their time zone and invite anyone to join them to take part in tai chi & qigong practice for FREE.

We will be in the grounds of St John’s the Baptist Church,

Church Street, Yeovil, Somerset, (BA20 1HE)


For more information contact Zabeth:

email – – phone 07747 616166