*Experienced qualified instructors will be affiliated to a Governing Body or union such as the “British Council for Chinese Martial Arts” (BCCMA) and/or the “Tai Chi Union of Great Britain” (TCUGB):
British Council for Chinese Martial Arts:
The British Council for Chinese Martial Arts (BCCMA) working title ‘the Council’ would like to extend a warm welcome to all Clubs, Associations of Clubs, or Federations of Associations of Clubs, practising the Chinese Martial Arts in Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
The Tai Chi Union for Great Britain:
The Tai Chi Union for Great Britain (TCUGB) was founded in 1991 with the aim of representing every recognised style of Tai Chi Chuan, to improve and promote the art in all its aspects, health, aesthetic meditation and self defence and to provide a source of information on classes etc. for the general public.
Other ‘Bao’s Lung Fei Tai Chi’ teachers in Somerset, Dorset & Devon:
BLFTC teachers are all independant of each other
Anne Grossett-Reid – helps teach the Wednesday evening class with Zabeth
Mobile: 07875 441694
email: annedoran62@gmail.com
Bev Fernandes – Somerset, Taunton region
Mobile: 07880 555984
‘Pushing the Waves’
email: bev.taichi1@btinternet.com
website: https://pushingthewaves.co.uk/
Monica Murphy – Somerset, Crewkerne region
Tel: 01460 74193
‘Relax, Breathe, Move’
email: blftcsomerset@icloud.com
website: https://relax-breathe-move.co.uk/
Tim Prescott – Devon, Barnstable region,
Tel: 07889 798231
‘Eight Waves School of Martial Arts’
email: info@eightwaves.co.uk
website: http://www.eightwaves.co.uk/
Angela Froud – Dorset, Shaftesbury region
Tel: 07712 638074
email: angelafroud@hotmail.com
Teruko Chagrin – Dorset, Motcombe village region
Tel: 07804 425429
email: tchagrin@gmail.com
‘Bao’s Lung Fei Tai Chi’ Facebook Page
For health articles and club classes, workshops & events
Longfei Taijiquan Association of Great Britain:
Richard Watson – Honorary Chairman and Founder of The Longfei Taijiquan Association of Great Britain
Simon Watson – Chairman
*Mrs Men X. Bao, our club founder of “Bao’s Lung Fei Tai Chi”, & Richard Watson, founder of “Longfei Taijiquan Association GB”, were both asked by Master Li Tianji to promote tai chi in Great Britain. Li Tianji nickname Longfei (meaning flying dragon) – so both clubs have the same “Tai Chi Family Tree” – (Longfei with an ‘o’ rather than an ‘u’ is the correct translation spelling for ‘flying dragon’ so someone in the past unfortunately translated wrongly for Mrs Men Bao!)
Deyin Taijiquan Institute (GB)
Chairman – Professor Li Deyin, Beijing P. R. China
Chief Instructors: Faye Li Yip & Tary Yip
*Faye Li Yip is the daughter of Professor Li Deyin, who is the nephew of Master Li Tianji, nickname Longfei (meaning flying dragon) – so same “Tai Chi Family Tree”.
Wuhun – Master Liu Yugui (CH)
Facebook page:
*Master Liu Yugui is one of my great teachers based in Switzerland.
Professor Hu Xiaofei – Dao Yin Yang Sheng Gong
Professor Hu Xiaofei, director of Beijing Sports University Daoyin Health Center. Professor Hu Xiaofei is the first graduate student of Professor Zhang Guangde, the well-known Wushu and health preservation master, and has over 10-thousand students all over the world in more than 50 countries.
English Daoyin Yangsheng Gong Association:
Welcome to the website of The English Dao Yin Yang Sheng Gong Association. The Association is a member of the International Federation of Dao Yin Yang Sheng Gong Associations, an organisation set up to promote the system of exercises devised by Professor Zhang Guangde
Celebrated every year on the last Saturday of April all over the World in each country’s 10 am time zone.
100s of Cities in over 80 Nations participate
Celebrated every year on the second Saturday of September all over the World in each country’s 10 am time zone.
Organised by the ‘International Health Qigong Federation’ (IHQF)
Confucius Institute – University of Wales Trinity Saint davis (UWTSD)
For Chinese events / information
A guide to exercise – Live Well – NHS Choices
NIH National Library of Medicine
A Comprehensive Review of Health Benefits of Qigong and Tai Chi
Tai Chi and Qigong for the Treatment and Prevention of Mental Disorders